Monday, February 18, 2008

My Favorite Jews

It is lamentable that there still remains those persistent and troublesome notions that 1) the Jewish "people", and/or 2) the Jewish religious tradition somehow, by some mystical mechanics, exerts negative psychic / psychological / political / cultural / genetic / moral / economic influences upon other, more "righteous" societies.

It is for this reason that I've decided to post this entry, a list of my favorite Jews. Feel free to suggest any others I might want to add - I drafted it rather quickly, so there might be some oversights. Bear in mind, just because Paula Abdul is famous, and would rightfully belong on a list of "Famous Jews," this is a list of "Favorite Jews," and although I don't dislike Paula Abdul, by the same measure, I can't really claim to be a fan. And yes, I'm well aware that I included Paul Simon, but excluded Art Garfunkel.

So here's the list:

eden ahbez, Woody Allen, Geoffrey Blank, Jason Blank, Michael Bloomfield, Marc Bolan, Martin Buber, Noam Chomsky, Ryan Chorney, Jesus the Christ, Leonard Cohen, Sacha Baron Cohen, Al Cooper, Chris Cornell, Jacques Derrida, Bob Dylan (born Robert Zimmerman), Albert Einstein, Uri Ely, Ernst Fuchs, Allen Ginsberg, Jeff Goldblum, Peter Green, Adam Horovitz, Ben Harper, Jorma Ludwik Kaukonen, Jr., Robby Krieger, Gary Lucas, Matisyahu, Gustav Meyrink, Randy Newman, Joey Ramone, Tamir Ratzon, Lou Reed, Marc Ribot, Andrew Schneider, Mark Silverbush, Shel Silverstein, Paul Simon, Hillel Slovak, Tom Stoppard, MCA (Adam Yauch)

1 comment:

sridharan said...

what about : Paul Samuelson, Peter Drucker, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johanson, Liz taylor, Milton Friedman(?),Sigmund Freud